PRO met H.G. Dr. Pathros Mor Osthathios

The Public Relations Officer of the UTC, Rev. M. Jacob met the Metropolitan of the Bangalore diocese of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, H.G. Dr. Pathrose Mor Osthathios on Nov 5, 2011. The meeting which lasted over one and a half hours was at the residence of the bishop in Hoskote, Bangalore. Rev. Jacob reminded the bishop of the long and deep relationship of UTC and the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church. The bishop in turn thanked the college for educating many priests and bishops of the church. The bishop offered all support and prayers for up coming projects of the UTC and discussed ways of a long lasting partnership and understanding between the church and the college. Rev. Jacob invited H.G. Dr. Mor Osthathios to visit UTC and be a part of the programs of the college whenever he would get time.
