
Main Source:-

Speeches at the inaugural function of the 'Federation of Syriac Orthodox in Hindustan' (FSOH), held in Mumbai

[a] Mor Osthatheos Ishaq, Metropolitan of Mylapore diocese

[b] Mr. John Mathew, Federation of Syriac Orthodox in Hindustan' (FSOH)

[c] Mr. Johnny Messo, President of the SYRIAC UNIVERSAL ALLIANCE

[d] Mr. Yusuf Aydin, President of the Syriac Orthodox Youth Fedration of Sweden (SOKU)

[e] Adv. A C Jayaraj, Manglore

[f] Sr. Hatuna Dogan (Germany)

Speeches at the Public meeting held at Manjinikkara on the occassion of 77th dukrono of patriarch St. Ignatius Elias II

  [a] Mor Gregorios Yuhanon Ibrahim of Aleppo Archdiocese in Syria

             [b] Mor Dionysius Behnan Jajawi

            [c] Mor Osthatheos Matta Roham

 Voice recordings from the consecration of five Metropolitans at North Paravur Church on 3rd July 2006


Rev. Fr Jose Daniel's Lent time and passion week prayers (St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia)
             [a] Lent Prayer Morning Malayalam (MP3)
             [b] Lent Prayer Evening Malayalam (MP3)